Install the package on a Domain Controller.
Download: Administrative Templates (.admx) for Windows 10 October 2020 Update (20H2).To fix the issue, follow these steps (Note: the latest MDM.admx is backwards compatible): If you do not see the policy Enable automatic MDM enrollment using default Azure AD credentials, it may be because you don’t have the ADMX installed for Windows 10, version 1803, or later. Select the policy created in the above step, then click OK.In the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC), right-click on the location where you want to link the policy and select Link an existing GPO.The first command will establish a connection with the Microsoft cloud, and when you are prompted, specify your Microsoft 365 Business Premium global admin credentials. PS C:\> Initialize-SecMgmtHybirdDeviceEnrollment -GroupPolicyDisplayName 'Device Management' When you are ready to create the resources, invoke the following: PS C:\> Connect-SecMgmtAccount You will need your Microsoft 365 Business Premium global admin credentials when performing this task. To create the required service connection point and group policy, you will invoke the Initialize-SecMgmtHybirdDeviceEnrollment cmdlet. It is recommended that you install this module on the Windows Server running Azure AD Connect. You can install this module by invoking the following from an instance of PowerShell: Install-Module SecMgmt When you invoke this cmdlet it will create and configure the required service connection point and group policy. Performing the required tasks to configure hybrid Azure AD join has been simplified through the use of the Initialize-SecMgmtHybirdDeviceEnrollment cmdlet found in the SecMgmt PowerShell module. Set to Some to enroll the computers of a specific group of users.To enroll all computers, set to All to automatically enroll all user computers that are joined to Azure AD and new computers when the users add a work account to Windows.In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, go to Devices > Windows > Windows Enrollment > Automatic Enrollment. Go to the admin center at and select Endpoint Management (select Show all if Endpoint Manager is not visible) Choose Select groups to enable MDM user scope for that security group.Add the desired domain users synced in Azure AD to a security group.To enable specific users, set to Selected to enable a specific group of users.Verify Users may join devices to Azure AD is enabled.